Monday, October 30, 2006

Story Notes


A whale is frozen like a statue in the ocean- somewhere- the key to finding the blueprint is to unlock various secrets on the earth- there are 4- something like the elements- earth, wind, fire, water- and so in this story- the plans of the planets begins with earth and its whales- to locate the blueprint, must awaken the cestcean- if awakened, it will rise above the water and its song will trigger some reaction that will help lead to the blueprint-

make the song actually focus on aspects of whales, like physiology all runnin rampant in vocals, no moby dick refrences please, overdone

anyway- travel through water by one of the teenagers- who are the main characters in Plans of the Planets- skippin school, wanting to become part of the 2 G's and defeat the Galactus filling the horizon with the emerald glow of his eyes, the horizon is a greenish hue at night