Proposed Tracklist:
1) Creature of the Tides
2) Galactic Fangs
3) Ghost Ride
4) This is the Age, We Do Not Age
5) Talk to Me
6) Sergeant Stripes
7) NOT FOR SALE sign
8) Kate
9) Nein
10) A New Day Awaits
11) The Morrigan
12) The Castaway's
12) Puppy Dog Tales
13) Clint Friend or Andrew Song
14) Fibonacci Sequence
15) Release the Galactus
Day 1- Overdub/Complete Partials
Galactic Fangs
Not For Sale
Day 2- New Songs
Ghost Ride
Talk to Me
Day 3- Vocals For Music Production
The Morrigan
Fibonacci Sequence
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Ghost Ride
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sergeant Stripes
Wrinkled coats in summer months
Street lights flicker on
Raised forehead
Dried blood
Near her swollen cheeks
She asks for change and they turn away
They continue on
Beneath a misty fog
But do you hear that train rattling on?
It’s only life
Our day to day (say over :30 in song)
He swears I have the look of God
Smitten upon my face
Ingrained in my skin
Pouring from my mouth
I don’t know what to say
A retired marine,
Selling street spirit
Wearing Nike’s, green stripes on every side
It’s his wisdom I remember while
I’m spitting slang
He shows his wounds
As he rolls up his sleeves
You can see
His scar cost infinitely more
Than the alcohol resting on his tongue
It smells cheap
But who am I
And who are you anyways?
We’re all passing by
Watching his shoes fly
There’s this crazed look in his eye,
Staring into mine
And I see myself staring back
So I am him
We could all be him
In some other place and time,
(in voicebox, like in a megaphone- get from charles)
Alright, ill see ya when I see ya, it’s been a minute
So long Sergeant Stripes
Goodbye Sergeant Stripes
This is all I am in
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Release the Galactus
Release the Galactus
(start at guitars)
Release him now
Release the answers
Release the being
Release the piety
They grew too strong,
Can we release the
That Grow around them?
They grew too strong,
Hear them mock
The names
He can crush them
They grew too wise
Open them up my
Lights of gods will erase their shadows
They grew too wise
Flood their temples
Oceans of gods will drown their movements
You are too kind
Will you allow them
To smash all we have built together?
You are too kind
Can we stand fast spit fast)
While they corrupt our dreams and meadows?
Now is the time!
We must fill their valleys with waves of everlasting sorrow
Now is the time
Must I beg you
To Release (spit fast)
Let me crush them!
Release Me
Release the fountains
Release Me
Release the wailing
Release Me (sing and continue under repetition of first verse)
(have bela Lugosi say Release Me- can we find this? Have sample with singing of release me)- “Then do it” “There is a way” “First you must do something for me” “torture and murder”
“a man’s face was mutilated and burned”
“you put the burning torch into his face, his eyes”)
Start 5:02
They grew too strong,
Can you release the
Fires of gods
To grow around them?
They grew too strong,
Hear them mock
The names of gods
I can crush them
They grew too wise
Open up the
Lights of gods will erase their shadows
They grew too wise
Flood their temples
Oceans of gods will drown their movement
You are too kind
Will you allow them
To smash all we have built together
You are too kind
Can we stand fast
While they corrupt our dreams and meadows
We must fill their valleys with waves of sorrow
We must fill their valleys with waves of sorrow
We must fill their valleys with waves of sorrow
We must fill their valleys with waves of sorrow
(have screams blend slowly into regular vocals- Maria screaming, then singing with Hamill, then me- all three intertwined)
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 4:37 PM 0 comments
The Castaways
We washed ashore
And saw everything and anything as pure
Live lavish,
then you’ll be (flow fast)
singing savage,
on and on you
go through the fray
You’re a time warp (pause)
Into the
Cerebellum, antebellum
Of this record now (spit fast)
Spinning on and on for endless days
We have scratches to save
And your monies exchanged
The melodies of (spit fast)
Our iron butterflies (spit fast)
Spreading their
Invisible wings (spit fast)
We spread salvation indefinitely (spit fast)
In slow motion, the planting of seeds (spit fast)
Lest we (break)
leave (Break)
no thief behind (draw out)
We got six pairs of eyes and
A mouthful of cries
Listen to words
Erupt from my skull
Listen to tips
On urban survival
Listen to plans
On planet betrayal
Listen to sea
Call out for tidal
Listen to phrase
Do not what I do
Listen to dreams
They lie like I do
Listen to signs
All sales are final
Listen to sounds
(repeat under chorus)
Castaways, Castaways, We’re All Castaways
Tossing and turning (spit fast)
Like a spindle weaving a warning (spit fast)
Grooving thru (spit fast)
(accentuate each syllable)
A shock to the system (spit fast)
Brain child with no means to now mention (spit fast)
(tweek out in Galactic Fangs vocal effect- more high end)
Crusty eyes (pause)
Porous, crimson, velvet eyes
Robotic and red (spit fast)
Pearly whites
Taste the sweet sap (Spit fast)
and needle pines
Dry Crisp Ash and forest fires (sing like porous, crimson, velvet eyes)
Why did we start with one big bang?
The world
Is dreaming
Light is seeping
From the window pane
Tracer moves in sequence with our
3D domains
His will has been done
He’s already been named
His face will bare our logo
As he stares insane
His will has been done
He’s already been named
Feel the infinite blackness (spit fast)
Rolling in your icy veins
Castaways, Castaways, We’re All Castaways
If the elements met on a singular beach and exchanged glances and trading cards,
This would feed into his piercing golden brown eyes beaming across vast rolling plains
Raining brimstone as each massive leg crushes those running to their new demagogues
Lining the avenues there,
you must face
the tightly wrapped needle waste
Which lies in waiting
To whom must we give
He is surrounded by the movement of streetlights become twisting shadows whose ties become nooses as they become relished and asphyxiate
Resuscitate this movement
Resuscitate make this live (at this point have these phrases repeating underneath)
Initiate robotic stake cold capture and contemplate the unknown regions of the universe
If they take this task, they make this path, then it will awaken the knowledge of our uniform anonymity
Before me there is a map
Around me there is a sea
Above me are his pearl white fangs
Below me there is a way
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 08, 2007
over arch: 4 kids- 4 dreams
Galactus, Bela, gG dream
dreams = hint to get 4 elements
Bela is ot god
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Dimension of Dreams- Album Layout
Lyrics are based on dreams, nightmares
When we publish- no lyrics are printed
only the actual dreams themselves
need to get permission but should be pretty cool
Then for the podcast- we will lay down the entire history of geppetto gestapo and where it originated with our early tracks together
then we release these early tracks as a podcast in itself, a 30 minute EP of two tracks-
Geppetto Gestapo Introduces the Hydrogen Jukebox World
Then Geppetto Gestapo Presents:
Book One: The Vignette Marionettes
and have two new tracks from the album on it as well
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Dreams Part 1
*Childhood, recurring nightmare: ninjas and sumo wrestlers would invade our home and attack my family. In my dream the ninjas would creep around the windows of the second story of our house and I remember sumo wrestlers jumping off of the roof and into our pool.
*Teens, recurring nightmare: I was on a plane that was about to crash. Most of the time the front of the airplane was glass so I could see the ground as we plummeted towards it. Once I dreamt that an airplane crashed into our classroom.
*Adult, recurring nightmare: I took lsd accidentally (either I put it in my mouth without thinking or someone tricked me and gave it to me). I would realize right after I took it and then freak out because I didn’t want to start tripping. A few times when I was pregnant with my sons I had dreams that I forgot I was pregnant and took handfuls of drugs and I would wake up crying.
*Spooky dream: I thought I woke up. Lying in bed, I looked out of my bedroom door and saw a lady in 1920's attire standing in my kitchen. She slowly turned to look at me and I realized that she was a corpse. Then I quickly woke up again (or so I thought) and she was attacking me and trying to kill me. When I realized that I was still dreaming, I started shaking my own body trying to wake myself up.
*Another spooky dream: I woke up and there was a woman with dark long hair sitting next to me on the bed. She was blurry so I couldn’t really see what she looked like. She was holding down my arm and trying to stick a needle in it. I was really dizzy and couldn't fight back. Then I thought I woke up out of that and I was so relieved until I saw her crossing in front of my bed and she came back over and sat next to me again on the bed. I begged myself to wake up until I finally did.
*Sexual dream: I was having an orgy (gang bang style) with Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, and my husband's two best friends in an upscale hotel room. They were all smoking cigars while they took turnes f-ing me.
*Sexual dream: I had a dream once that I was dating this really creepy looking guy (looked kinda like marilyn manson..but creepy). I was reading the newspaper when I came across an article about him. He was a wanted serial killer. I went over to his house knowing he wasn’t home and started snooping around. His house was dark and filled with knives and candles and pictures of women. I realized that he was going to kill me. All of a sudden he came home and I tried to hide in a closet. I realized there was a tunnel that led out of the closet. I tried to run off through there but he found me and chased after me. I was panicked and scared but I soon realized that I couldn’t run anymore so I just surrendered. He escorted me back to into his house. At first I was scared but then the experience started feeling very erotic and I looked at him and found myself intrigued and turned on by his murderous nature. That led to really amazing sex and afterwards as we were lying in bed, I decided I was in love with him and that I wanted to help him escape and go into hiding. I packed up my car and we started driving out of town. Soon, we were being chased by cops and somewhere along the way I woke up.
*Random dream: I had a dream once that I was a character in mortal kombat. I was actually fighting other characters as points were adding up in the corner of my dream. Once I would beat a character they would vanish and another one would appear.
My dreams have always made me question just how much psychic filth is still clinging to my consciousness-colon every moring, but the following is unsettling because I think it is solid evidence of blurring dreams.
Perhaps 'solid' is the wrong word because it involves me waking up wet. There's at least a teacup distributed evenly across my shirt. Not my shorts, only my shirt. Not funny.
I wake up to this on my back, even though I always sleep on my side, and hurry to the bathroom to wash it off. There is no smell of human or cat urine, no dampness on the bed. Not funny.
This happend once, but recently enough.
Knowing that I talk in my sleep is bad enough.
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Book 3: The Dimension of Dreams
or Book 3: Hydrogen Jukebox World
One of those titles- Story-
Dimension of Dreams works better because the next part will be storylines- many dreams that were part of Book 2 will be examined more fully in the scope of individuals in the plot- galactus, gG, Bela, and those of 4 kids- the kids each has a dream of a certain element- each element is a piece of a puzzle, a map that leads them on to the whale- the whale, the largest never seen by explorers, is the size of a iceberg- in this iceberg, or whale's belly is the map to create a space pod, an escape for humanity in case the evil galactus and bela lugosi wins over- the bela of the 3rd book is a old testament vengeful God, finally done dealing with the dreams- he combats gG by plagues and many of the things a vengeful deity could be capable of- this is the story line-
the dreams are fair game to cover any topic on my mind- any issue
the story line for the book is with the kids
thats the next album- but far from this as of yet
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 02, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Talk to Me
And I've lived this life
That you've given to me
And soon you'll be gone
So talk to me
Talk to me
Those cells,
those tubes
Not veins
They're not you
That pride
That pulse
Let go
Let's talk
And We'll
Be Alright
Wait and See
We'll be alright
As it knocks
We look away
But not tomorrow
Not today
Why now?
What's the cause?
What did I do?
How us?
And We'll
Be Alright
Wait and See
We'll be alright
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Release the Galactus
Release the Galactus
Release him now
Release the answers
Release the being
Release the piety
They grew too strong,
Can we release the
To grow around them?
They grew too strong,
Hear them mock
The names of gods
Can we crush them?
They grew too wise
Open up the
Lights of gods that will erase their shadows
They grew too wise
Let us flood their temples as
Oceans of gods drown their movements
You are too kind
Will you allow them
To simply smash all we have built together?
You are too kind
Can we stand fast
While they corrupt our dreams and meadows?
Now is the time!
We must fill their valleys with waves of pain and sorrow
Now is the time
Must I beg you?
Will and
Let me crush them!
Release Me
Release the fountains
Release Me
Release the gnashing
Release Me (sing and continue under repetition of first verse)
(Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff Radio, Royalty Free Recitation of their Raven tale found on archive dot org, search Bela Lugosi- Have sample with singing of release me- "Then do it" "There is a way" "First you must do something for me" "torture and murder"
"a man's face was mutilated and burned"
"you put the burning torch into his face, his eyes")
We must fill their valleys with waves of sorrow
We must fill their valleys with waves of sorrow
We must fill their valleys with waves of sorrow
We must fill their valleys with waves of sorrow
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Notice to the Door Part 2: Disruption of Dreams
Hello Citizens of Earth,
The fog and haze of dreams are slowly becoming maddening nightmares, like little creatures summoned from the ocean tides. For nights upon nights in my dimension out here in the vacuums of space, your self absorbed pictures are moving through each lobe of this ghostly form, into my brain breaking cognitive waves, a resounding disruption leaving me here reeling, angry, unsure why it is that this is happening?
I wonder if you all know? Can you still hear me , Oklahoma?
Can you feel my agitation?
The wars, the riddled dead every day mounting up with disease, victims of abuse, victims of ideology, made up, insulating each of you, twisting you, pushing you to absorb yourself in the outer reaches of commercialism? Is it all worth it?
Is it?
People of earth, am I worthy of metaphysical rebellion?
Do not answer. It appears this is so as I continue tto witness it on the tiny video screens behind my eyelids.
Each folly, each success, each trip to the park while visiting with friends, each person you pass along the crowded downtown areas of your metropolitan cities, lead to macroscopic realizations as I am forced to sit through your stories and scenes of happiness and despair.
Do I care- not really.
I never had much interest in your pathetic little world until those of you decided to research other planets with rudimentary robots, red and emeregging haze of intergalactic dawn. You realize you are entering dangerous territory. These past civilizations met a similar ruin as you may very well obtain.
Let me emphasize, you will not find anything there that will allow you to discern my purpose.
So give up and you will live in the peace of your wars.
Worship the blood dripping from my galactic fangs and be well,
Bela Lugosi aka GOD
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 15, 2007
Song Notes
1) End of Album- Isis Song- lots of screaming, we end with the earth in utter peril, the gG within the reach of utter defeat, the galactus is erupting from the core, the mask seen on televisions 50 years prior on some random day in some random minute that happend to be at 3:45AM on a specific station in the middle of Oklahoma- this is the end- the radio broadcast- hello citizens of earth, this is Bob Stanson from KXOU, he will appear in the quake of his dreams, I repeat he will appear in the quakes of his dreams
end of album
2) The Morrigan- spoken word is from Hamill- we transition at, "into the ocean she pushed me off"
3) Song for dad, Talk to me, it builds, maybe sound of bass guitar with distortion as it builds and builds, get crazy effects as it rumbles the speakers, eventually is said! And the song is as calm as an ocean, big on melody here, mimics a part or complements main melody
Talk to Me
And I’ve lived this life
That you’ve given to me
And soon you’ll be gone
So talk to me
Talk to me
those tubes
Not veins
They’re not you
That pulse
Let go
Let’s talk
Be Alright
Wait and See
We’ll be alright
As it knocks
We look away
But not tomorrow
Not today
What’s the cause?
What did I do?
How us?
Be Alright
Wait and See
We’ll be alright
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 11:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Letter from the Creator
For Bulletin Posts:
Hello Citizens of Earth,
As I write you from the comforts of the 6th dimension, I can only give you my word that the fires and brimstone being propagated by your insolent clergymen and soothesayers are baseless and untrue.
I know our meeting has been tumultuous. It pains me too that some of you insist on usurping my rule, but my intentions are good. You have been fooled for the last thousands of years about the nature of your universe. This is not my fault, we all must stumble onto truth in our own way. You are here as an experiment I give you life, therefore you must live and develop in your own way.
The coming centuries will be prosperous if you submit and go on about your lives. But you cannot leave Earth.
This is my only rule. If you decide to challenge me once again as humans have done since your creation billions of years ago, you will ruin your world. If you decide to do it, so be it. That is your destiny. Continue forth in your endeavors to leave and the Earth will be swallowed.
Before I depart from this letter being sent to your tiny domains out in the nebulous world of cyberspace, keep in mind your pursuits of outerspace and how much harm they can do for you and your people. You can travel the depths of space, across galaxies, but you will not find yourselves, you will not save yourselves, you will only hurry your own demise.
Do not heed the drums sounded by your miserable band of rebels, geppetto gestapo. Their new collection of works of music, [p]lans of the [P]lanets are NOT and will NOT be the type of movement sparking revolution akin to Martin Luther nailing demands to some wooden church door.
They are meant to mislead you against me, and it would be unwise to follow the ongoing recording of:
[p]lans of the [P]lanets by [g]eppetto [G]estapo
Worship the blood dripping from my galactic fangs and be well,
Bela Lugosi aka GOD
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 8:44 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
[p]lans of the [P]lanets
Finished Vocals:
Creature of the Tides
His Galactic Fangs
Not For Sale Sign
Kate There, Overlooks Behr Ave
This is the Age, We Do Not Age
Bela Lugosi Piano Song (needs title)
Partial Vocals:
The Castaways (32 bars at end of song)
Seargent Stripes (first half complete, new melody at 2:20)
Writing Vocals:
Isis Song
Fast Beat Song
Dad's Talk to Me Song
Ready to Record:
Fibonacci Sequence
New Day Awaits
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Album Details
So we are roughly 8 songs deep on a record right now- we're writing constantly and growing infinitely- the leap from the last album to this one is mind blogging as the depth, the significance, and the performances are that much more involved, detailed, and aware
Songs Thus Far:
1) Galactic Fangs- finished vocally- need to pick out proper chorus vocal effect
robotic eyes
robotic fangs
sunk into the middle of carotid veins
geppetto's near
as they run yellow wires
bombs cant penetrate galactus fire
into his
dimensions of dreams
murder scenes
leaving through
portals of time
ship blasts through gaping galactus guise
while blood is spilled
while blood is drained
the galaxy of his future now waxes and wanes
pillow is drenched
teeth gnash and scrape
the gestapo clung tight to the ends of his cape
virus installed
mind turned to glue
infectious rhymes
infectious grooves
robotic fingers arms and knees
his mouths stand open for robotic disease
robotic tongues
robotic hearts
they leap from time portals as he rips it apart
and now
killer whales are screaming
the stars are leaving
galactic eyes
galactic fangs
free from these galactic things
galactic force
even in the here and after
spot still glowing on for days
behind vast curtains of galactic haze
galactic eyes
galactic fangs
when are they going to free me of galactic things
2) This is the Age, We Do Not Age- instrumental hip hop song, I am thinking of re-doing the vocal takes, as I am sticking to the original crappy wavs bc i captured a moment in time, it is more conceptual rather than aesthetic
3) Questions of Rebellion- track has vocal ideas set, but there is a lot to be done with this song and i dont see finishing it until i am able to spend more time with it after attaching ideas to all the songs
If the elements met on a singular beach and exchanged glances and trading cards,
This would feed into his piercing gold-en brown eyes beaming across vast rolling plains
Raining brimstone as each massive leg crushes those running to their new demagogues
Lining the avenues there, behold the suspicious face of the peril
Who lies in waiting
Who lies in waiting
Who lies in waiting
To whom must we give
He is surrounded by the movement of streetlights become twisting shadows whose ties become nooses as they become relished and asphyxiate
Resuscitate this movement
Resuscitate this movement
Resuscitate this movement
Resuscitate make this live
Start 2:00
Initiate robotic stake cold capture and contemplate the unknown regions of the universe
If they take this task, they make this path, then it will awaken the knowledge of our uniform
Before me there is a map
Around me there is a sea
Above me are his pearl white fangs
Below me there is a way
Her memories of long days in swirling tide swells
The clocks tick tock and they’re all the same
Their mouths are still moving but he don’t know their name
For all we fought for before his crimes
For all we fought for before these times
We washed ashore
And saw everything and anything as pure
Live lavish,
then you’ll be (flow fast)
singing savage,
on and on you
go through the fray
You’re a time warp (pause)
Into the
Cerebellum, antebellum
Of the record now (spit fast)
Spinning on and on for endless days
Your monies exchanged
The melodies of (spit fast)
Our iron butterflies (spit fast)
Spreading their
Invisible wings (spit fast)
We spread salvation indefinitely (spit fast)
In slow motion, the planting of seeds (spit fast)
Lest we (break)
leave (Break)
no thief behind (draw out)
A mouthful of cries
Erupt from my skull
Listen to tips
On urban survival
Listen to plans
On planet betrayal
Listen to sea
Call out for tidal
Listen to phrase
Do not what I do
Listen to dreams
They lie like I do
Listen to signs
All sales are final
Listen to sounds
All banal and primal
(maybe the below here speak over the break- voice modulation here- tweaked out)
Tossing and turning (spit fast)
Like a spindle weaving a warning (spit fast)
Grooving thru (spit fast)
(accentuate each syllable)
A shock to the system (spit fast) (use recorded voice- very staticy, like on a radio program)
Brain child with no means to now mention (spit fast)
Crusty eyes (pause)
Porous, crimson, velvet eyes
Robotic and red (spit fast)
and pearly whites
Taste the sweet sap (Spit fast)
and needle pines
Dry Crisp Ash and forest fires (sing like porous, crimson, velvet eyes)
Why did we start with one big bang?
Moving through (spit fast)
With the force of their entry (spit fast)
Mindless drones
rusting for centuries
(have drums stutter with accentuated syllables ie BE-ING (two beats_
(insert a break)
The melody of organ here hits its pattern- add some of the same synths and what not from the Isis- Holy Tears remix you did- then we can let the song breathe- it basically needs one more layer and I think the whole thing will work even better than it already is
4) Untitled Isis-Esque Song- still in writing process, musically, no vocal takes or ideas established
Wrinkled coats in summer months
Street lights flicker on
Raised forehead
Dried blood
Near her swollen eye lids
She asks for change and they turn away
Then continue on,
Beneath a misty fog
Do you hear that train rattling on?
It’s only life
Our day to day (say over :30 in song)
He swears I have the look of God
Smitten upon my face
Ingrained in my skin
Pouring from my mouth
I don’t know what to say
He’s a marine,
Selling street spirit
Wearing Nike’s,
Green stripes draw my eye
It’s the wisdom I remembered while
He’s spitting slang
He shows his wounds
As he rolls up his sleeve
You can see
His scar cost infinitely more
Than the alcohol resting on his tongue
It smells cheap
But who am I
Who are you anyways?
I’m passing by
Watching shoes fly
He tackles a newspaper bin
And I can see the crazed look in his eye,
Looking into mine
And I swear I see myself
Not For
For end with “something he’d buy”- 3:53)
in the downward slopingcigarette tide
there lies
the truth you compile
as the type writer
it’s keys
pale white lengthening
your fingernails
so bleached
straw hair bent back reveal to me
show me your confounded spine
show me
after first break- do a spoken word piece as below:
(spoken at a whisper, british, raspy, unrecognizably a whisper of conscience in the right or left channel, the music is now set behind to allow the listener to hear the words of the preacher
He with his long face, piercing black, beady eyes
Yet realized like phosphorous rising from the damp earth of reconciliation
The minerals of discontent revealed like pornographic obsessions and filtered drug induced sunsets where he sits yet writing of our amusing stories, writing of our frequent miseries and marginal pleasantries wrapped in the divinity of flesh
This is the price for our forgiveness, this eruption from the bowels of the planet, in the fiery furnace and core where fiery lions with as many heads appear with thunder and winds and
brimstone calling for you to behold:
His fires will taste you,
they will lick their lips of your flesh, break you
singing of karma of heavens of virgins of everlasting hell
Men fighting men and chewing the flesh, tasting the impurity
Of death revealed in the absurdity of life as they themselves
Feel their bones chewed upon by the gnawing, binding feeling
bubbling with the beginnings of our great lost world
the beginnings of our genesis, our adam and eve
see through me
see beyond me
look within me
you’ll find
the creature of wants and needs
that will betray you
as his cold blank countenance looks
upon you
in the downward sloping
cigarette tide
there lies
the truth you compile
as the type writer
it’s keys
pale white lengthening
your fingernails
so bleached
straw hair bent back reveal to me
show me your confounded spine
show me
you’re as crooked
as your blood thirsty crimes
do they
comfort thee?
Floating in the waves of a long distant sea
Could be
The timely decree
Of a minion of the devil who became
Our God
But can it
Awaken thee
Let the heretic be absolved of this
Take me to an infinite bliss
Show me
7) Piano song- Untitled- no ideas as of 9/29/07
8) Behr Ave- vocals complete, one change dynamically, add synth organ over second minute with an added extension to ambience, adds another dimension and highlights the vocal performance on the second half of the song- 00:30 seconds probably will be added, but it is a short song as of now, so extra room to breathe may better it
Overlooking Behr Ave
with this head in these hands
i can hear the sound of your voice over the cluttered silence
brimming over the side of the coffee mug in the corner of my desk
once grasped
once touching your lips
as i quietly
touching mine
trying to remember what it may
have felt like
the apartment's lights are on and the chairs seem spent while leaning
up against the door where i saw you say that you were leaving
us all behind
in the shadows
like a light blinking
upon the rocks
behr ave

Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Quotes for Sampling
A long night in the apartment- ghosts at every turn
Lost in a sea of weeds and shrubs. Old bronze and stone statues left with memories of a city now grown over with people, technology, and sprawl. Who are these men covered up in the urban ice plant, spreading to eat away at time? It seems history is only preserved in small pastures, buildings then surrounded by new sky skrapers. San Francisco seems to be holding back this monster, but it soon will break through. Memories in the form of monuments of unknown people are fascinating. Lincoln and a few others survive but these others I see are alone, stuck in a moment when praise arose them from tools and natural resource.
And there was a laughing head, a cartoon man, right in front of my face, putting his bags onto the ground, and shouting to the entire surrounding crowd, "I'm afraid Bush is too one dimensional and resolved to see his enemy's own humanity enough to conquer him." He grunted, looked both ways, grabbed his bags, and continued to walk across the street.
Trembling red like these trains rumbling in The pitch black, the carpetbaggers Hiding in the shadows Alarms rattling The pied piper dancing In the middle of this urban sunset district A bell hop crooning, tuning himself With the awkward pitch Chiming Dooooooo wah doooooo wah Aint got no loveeeee, Aint got no loveeee You have so much to offer, son. You are not a still photograph, You squiggle and wiggle A painting drooling to dry Waiting for the next spectator To absorb life and liberty
Lest you drown in a pool of liliesDo not let these words echo Or dwell Alone -The fear of tomorrow shall not divide me the fears of today shall only strengthen me They shall ride up through my spinal cord channel its fervent compassion towards my fellow man Guide my hand, blind as I am for the future, It shall steer this boat towards enlightenment It will critique with every technique possible The information coming through these senses And fence and conquer those that may try to Persuade me towards choices which Compromise this integrity With courage, faint of heart, I will drive this tide carrying this ship Over the edge of the world And fall into the abyss With the love of the earth enntombing me in her womb and allows me to sleep forever
You conjured up meanings Now shrouded in mystery A skeleton of the past Rubbed with index fingers Every so softly Similar to the hands that built you You are my first word First step, my first birthday present Your smile is The smile I saw at birth Cloaked in developed haze A fog of San Francisco clouding, Leaving you there only for my memory Swallowed soon by the ground But resurrected -I'll find that zone and unleash the heavens from its seams, tight woven souls whose wings fit perfectly together creating a patchwork, a heavenly dam, keeping God Almighty from unleashing his wrath onto his peoples, the OT Catastrophe God poking his thumb through the tact and insecurity currently dominating the reality TV shows and plastic surgery abominations.
Excuse me sir, but that mask is ominous, very haunting. Will you be taking it off anytime soon? (Wild laugh)
in all things there are illuminations- spirits divine living and breathing through changes and events of magnitude floating down the crease of your spine- and so this came in regards to the poem The Morrigan- he sent, they sent she to deliver to me this message, calling my name, Glaim Tree
and aura hung above like a sun looking down through to the pits of the oceans deepest wells full of life crawling through its mysterious passage ways the only ways to the truth, to the light, to swim in the blackness and feel your fright become a menace, harnessed to the backs of the meek, we seek treasures, we find nothing as i am nothing, slithering over keys, letting this ring out over the networks leading this world by crippled knees and a vengeful bite
Action for its sake does not make one a good leader. Just because you have convictions, does not make them right. Just because you do not back down, does not make you a strong person, or a strong leader. In fact, such displays are rather caricatures of what our President should be, everything from his supposed devotion to the Christian faith down to the use of Hollywood action one liners. He is a cartoon of what a President should be, my friend. -It can be see as distractions keeping him from moving on into happiness. 'Cause I see in his eyes a morose, longing for any kind but some kind of passion to move him into a mood or drive all his own. I see him running from many things in his own mind and heart. But the ideas, the love, the intelligence carries him and people gravitate towards his natural leadership qualities. I see not hurt but I see idleness. He is caught in some void and needs to relieve himself from the routine, needs to find a love again whether it be a job or a be "somewhere" again with a "someone" he has clearly defined
I am afraid of becoming closer The closer we are the further I am away To the end of the pier staring over the side At shivering reflections in some vast, unrelenting ocean Where I finally find the courage to leave all of them Behind and become the best man I can be - we both understood we had no fucking clue who the other was or wanted to sad, but how common I think. (german accent)
our eyes left stunned as we are stunned and I am on the sofa snoring and you are awake staring at the wall wishing you were someone else just remember life chose us and we had no other path but just what is it what is this where are we who are we when are we exactly
in the spirit of the law in the meat packers newest kill Eyes glazed and waiting to thaw there is life the colors of the rainbow are like the waves of grain you saw as a child under the hooves of blurring deer moving into slow motion magic and so this will end and so this will all become tangled messes of neurons and neutrons relieved of their duties passed on out of your skull to feed the universe not some vapid short life span corroded and enough but the remembrance of all you were of all you have loved
I think it takes that type of sacrifice of innocence to truly appreciate it, to truly kick down the secret door, pull the bogeyman out from under the bad, and get at the heart of who we are and not who someone else may pontificate us to be with the origin of life and meaning in an ancient model. we just don't know, and it is that feeling that drives faith. As you embrace belief, you embrace the unknown, and project imagery and meaning on to it, faith grows, it becomes your own identity.
Dissect the molecular mechanisms of our physiology and cell behaviors, and I say, why can't there be a God as it pertains to evolution etc. Is it harmful to believe that God actually had a plan where we developed over time, the ingenious creation all part of one another? That is sanctity if I have ever heard it described. The magesty of the Bible is not on it being fact. Hell, if we wanted that, we might as well study and devoutly follow Law books or company's standard operating procedures. No, religious texts speak more to the power of the human condition, the power of humanity to rise above its own limitations, its own tainted evolution and scientific theory are not conflicitng with the Bible or religion in general, it is a testament, it is a painting of God's plan. have absorbed as a sponge might absorb the ocean's salts and nutrients, I have internalized it, held my head underwater countless times and risen to the surface...more aware, more alive, more open-minded, more appreciative of the diversity of this planet than I would had I kept to my original dogmatic belief system and failed to venture into my respective microcosm. Tapping potential and surpassing it. thus, we believed, as he believed, that in these stares there is judgement, as there may be judgement for us all. where is he going, where are we going, we just don't know...but in the absolute reflection of thought, there is an absolute solution to the complications of one's life. this man is doing just this."
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
new idea for podcast
podcast album
delivered with voice as a old time radio broadcast
The Vignette Marionettes- in the vein of burlesque or old time sci fi
but it could change every broadcast
instrumental delivered with pdf's? they read during track and have it be 10 minutes or more
other will have image with lyrics and accompanied art work as well
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 12, 2007
The Bus Driver
It was quite late, that's all he kept thinking on his first day. The training had been monotonous, rigid, and his employees uninspired, lazy, the only risque thoughts of various sexual positions enough to keep them awake. The minutes of the last months were spent simply with his eyes moving back and forth, his head bouncing up and down, and the snores of the homeless taking a free ride interrupting his reflections on the new found life of a Bus Driver.
With fog penetrating the window panes of the flat faced tan colored bus, his wheels screeched while moving fast off the lines with a sudden green light. The area was quiet, the ocean simply around the corner, and down the hills to the golden ages of time. The waves muffled the rich pedigree of the past. Once filled with mansion tops, expensive baths, theme parks, it was now replaced with rather over priced restraunts and a once inspiring park left now to decay whose statues were random persons praised only for their antiquity.
It had only been a 100 years that it existed, maybe a bit more.
He had watched TV programs while unemployed that characterized true artistic wonders, thousands of years old, showing the thoughts and feelings of a civilization long lost to war, famine, revolutions.
"Fucking a hundred years old," he muttered under his breath. "Man, we don't know nothin'."
Cascades of shadows filtered onto his brow as he pulled along the same park now only a 100 years old. When the bus finally came to a halt, he sat back.
Sometimes he would stare off into space for minutes before awakening to either a cab honking, or a bum banging on the door for spare change, or the next shift knocking after catching him asleep while working. He knew the city needed him, they couldn't find anyone to take these shitty hours, and let alone work for a city with such poor benefits and meager wages.
It was always interesting what he saw on the bus rides through the city. The drinkers with their paper bags, the tweekers with their Jack-O-Lantern smiles, or the club kids sucking down water bottles after grinding their teeth, or the little old asian ladies who would only stare at him with a blank stare but smile as they stepped down in a shuffling fashion. These characters, heroes, villians made his days less tedious. He wished he had a notebook to write about the most horrible singer who would sing , "Take me out to the Ballgame," at 6 in morning to woo half asleep damsels in distress. He wore the old Lakers Champions cap with glasses he must have found outside an optometrist's office.
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
The Plans of the Planets
New album theme-
stories are dreams- nightmares meant to haunt the dreams of Bela Lugosi- the god of the geppetto universe- each poem, each story is meant to reflect his creation, it is taking the creator and making him face what the day to day is like- tiny dreams, snippets of nightmares
use dreams like-
dads chasing sons whose drugs are burning up in front of them
stadiums where people trying to commit suicide must be televised so all can lament their pain- its your best friend on the TV after having dinner and you didnt know he or she went home to try to end it all
it is becoming a fox and being hunted for sport
random obscure passages dealing with our world- it is meant to destroy Bela, make him go mad, and call off the Galactus
the other story line-
4 kids from random places come together to search out the map, the design for the pod to take the last of the human species to a new planet, a new genesis, and all that ensues with tryin to find the whale's whose belly contains a piece of it- calling it out
that's all for now
Posted by (g)eppetto (G)Estapo at 11:28 PM 0 comments